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By Frank Yaconis
Nopalea Juice, made from the Prickly Pear Cactus, has been touted around the world as an amazing food and medicine in one. Even the renowned Dr. Oz has recommended the prickly pear cactus as a way to possibly reduce the severity of diabetes. On a lighter note, he also recommends the cactus as a way to relieve the symptoms of a hangover.
Moreover, researchers are thrilled to dig deeper into the plants ability to stop chronic inflammation. Less than a decade ago, researchers started to make the connection between chronic inflammation and a host of serious diseases. Everything from cancer to eczema to hangovers and dozens of other diseases and ailments in between. If finding a cure or being able to reduce the prevlance of such diseases is as easy as getting rid of or reducing chronic inflammation, the Nopal Cactus may soon be grown as a wonder drug. It is amazing that so much relief could possibly all be found within one plant.
Here is a general guide for who should consider drinking Nopalea Juice:
Are you in chronic pain? If you suffer from fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis or other chronic and reoccurring pain in your body, you should consider trying to obtain relief from cactus juice.
Do you have allergies? Allergies are often related to inflammation, one of the side effects of toxins in the body that Nopalea helps.
Do you have problems breathing? If you suffer from asthma, you might also consider seeking relief from the juice, because asthma may also be related to inflammation.
Do you want to prevent premature aging? By neutralizing toxins in the body, you can help prevent cellular damage, which will help the body in fighting the aging process.
Do you encounter toxins and pollutants in your life? Toxins and pollutants are found in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the materials we touch on a daily basis it is hard to avoid. By neutralizing the toxins that make our way into our bodies, we can help negate the harmful effects of the toxins.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should take another look at Nopalea.
Since the time of the Aztecs the prickly pear cactus — also known as the Nopal cactus — has lived in the Sonoran desert. To make Nopalea juice, you remove the plant’s spines and squeeze the liquid from the pulp of the cactus, also known as the Nopal plant or Opuntia Cactus. It is a native of Mexico. The pads of the plant were traditionally eaten as a vegetable much like a green bean in taste. It has been eaten as food and used as medicine for centuries.
The cactus sprouts colorful red, purple or yellow blossoms that you can eat. The cactus can reach as tall as 20 feet high in some instances. The Nopal Cactus is chock full of antioxidants inside and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers say it is one of the few plants on the planet that naturally has a property contained in its pigment. It contains betalians which are natural antioxidants.
Betalains work to cleanse and detoxify the inside of the body. By eating this type of cactus or drinking its juice these betalains can help lower cholesterol and reduce too high blood sugar.
Researchers are busy conducting studies on this fascinating plant and possible wonder drug to see how strong the link is between eating and drinking the plant and the reduction of chronic inflammation in the body. Scientist are hoping to see if the plant can help reduce the incidence of cancer, diabetes, asthma and arthritis just to name a few of the diseases and ailments it might cure.
About the Author: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about the health benefits of the
Nopalea Cactus
for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study
Nopalea Reviews
in the plants homeland. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.
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